Saturday, May 8, 2010

7 Days...YOWZA!!!!

Below is Kitty Carter's advice for the 1st round of auditions...exactly ONE week/7 tiny days from now!!! Kitty is a former DCC and now is the most frightful, yet looked up to dance instructor involved with the organization. Her advice is something you DO NOT ignore, she knows what they are looking for. Kitty also has a reputation of being rather honest- No such thing as "sugar coating":).

Kitty Says...

Kitty: Dance and listen to music everywhere you go.

US: Not a problem:)


Kitty: Keep your iPod close and your competition closer..... LOL

US: IPod, check! Making friends with the most beautiful/talented women in America...eek!


Kitty: Dance in front of a mirror as much as possible, or in front of friends to get rid of that choke reflex.

US: Us stand in front of a mirror all day = Will Do!


Kitty: If you are not a great club style dancer then you need to use choreography from other classes.

US:We LOVE to dance at the club...However, I'm not sure that our "club style" of the robot, running man, and Beyonce pump is what they mean...


Kitty: If you are not a trained dancer or cheerleader then you should have been taking some kind of dance classes. This should help you come up with a minute or more of freestyle movement needed for first round.

US: Thank heaven for our little Taryn Smith...trying her best to make us shine!


Kitty: You need to Pop Everything and look Fabulous doing it.

US: Note to self: figure out what how to "pop" everything...


Kitty: Most importantly! Don't do something you can't do. Like kick or turn. That will usually hurt you more than help you, in most cases.

US: This statement will limit what we can bust out...quite a bit:)


Kitty: Good tricks to include would be back handsprings, aerials, tucks, turns, kicks and allusions. Avoid tricks that need more than a four foot square to accomplish. Floor work is good if it's exciting. Split circles, coffee grinders, back split rolls, and jetes to the floor are great ideas.

US: We shall pretend this statement doesn't apply to us but thought we would include it for humor purposes...

Haven't busted out a handspring or tuck in so long we're certain it would end in a face plant.

Allusion...umm, we will give the allusion of rockin' dancers??

What in the world is a split circle, split roll, jete, or a coffee grinder...REALLY?!?!


Kitty: You want to put your best foot forward at all times, even when you are sitting as a participant just watching. Believe me, someone is watching you. Show up game ready!

US: Game ready - you bet your bottom - here we come!! Coffee grinders and all:)!

7 DAYS!!!!!!!!!


Wendy said...

Ya'll are cracking me up! I love it :)