Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday FUNK

14 days to go...are you kidding me?!?! Tryouts are in two weeks and there's no turning back now.

As you can tell we haven't blogged in over a week because we have been fighting some internal struggles. And they are...

1. Our idolized view of the DCC is slowly diminishing. While we still think they are the MOST beautiful things to walk the planet, we used to consider them the "ultimate woman". We thought they were career driven, independent, fierce women who had it all. Recently we have discovered that most only work part-time and some are also students. This on top of the required DCC commitments is quite a load but not nearly as heavy as we thought. The one thing we had in common with the DCC was multi-tasking. Working full-time, attending school, and pursuing dreams on the side appeared doable from watching them but now it seems maybe not so much. We have also been following/stalking them on twitter and it has been an eye opening experience. They appear to have even more free time than we thought and come across as a little self involved. (We are aware this blog is self involved...pot: it's kettle, you're black)

2. Recently, we have been told that people are suprised we are trying out because "they didn't see us as those kinds of girls". Pardon?? What does that mean?? Well, a kind party informed us that it was because they can be perceived as a bit "slutty". YOWZA! ego = bruised.

3. We are still not in the splits and cannot dance like them - Enough said.

4. Will this ever be more than a bucket list item? As of now, no. Are we ok with this, we should be, but that's a BIG NO. Will our feelings change come May 15th...we shall see.

5. We're in a funk. It's not very becoming of us. Any motivational ideas, quotes, thoughts, get your butt in gear words...all welcome!

Dear procrastinator that lives within us...we are way past crunch time- LET'S GO! Stop struggling and JUST DANCE, it'll be ok...!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We're Having a Kickin' Thursday!!!

As promised, here is a video of us kicking. You may look at this and think our kicks are not so high, but we promise we are kicking with all our might! At any moment we could pull a hamstring and our dance dreams would be over. Side note: disregard the outfit, hair, makeup, paleness, no smiles, and splits at the end. Those are all a work in progress. Also, we never bare midriff but it's something we've got to get used to. Please feel free to enjoy a laugh on behalf of our skills/technique.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Game Day Madness

Check out this game day madness. We MUST be a part of it!

Coming this week - video of our current dance, kick, and split technique. Get excited!

Friday, April 16, 2010

How Bad Do You Want It?

How bad do we want it? Hard to tell. Yesterday was a pretty pivotal day, however it went unnoticed by us. Yesterday was April 15th. Most of you know that as tax day, but we know it as 1 month 'til tryouts. Are we in the splits? No. Are we rock star dancers? Nope. Are our kicks up to our nose? Not even close. All things considered we're doing pretty well. Bring on the tryouts! But seriously, there is no excuse for not finding a way to fit in our dancing, stretching, and kicking. It's time to bring back our reality check with a little poem we call How Bad Do You Want It? We stole it offline and adapted to fit us. Here it is:


When I think of quitting I will think of who will be standing next to me during tryouts. Will I be able to say I worked harder than her?

When I stand on stage will I be able to say that I pushed myself harder, that I kept going when I felt like stopping, and that I gave that extra effort when I felt like collapsing?

It’s that last burst of commitment that separates those who make the team and those who don’t.

I will train when others go out with their friends.
I will train when others are eating at their favorite restaurant.
I will train when others are taking an off day.
I will train when others are hanging out with their significant others.
I will train when others are sleeping.

Every moment is a chance to improve,
Every minute spent stretching and dancing,
Each set, each rep,
Every bite of food.

Each and everything I do has a purpose.
The food nourishes my body.
Dancing invigorates my spirit.
Stretching gets me one inch closer.

Failure is not an option.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hump Day

As we write this, we are on break in the middle of our 3 hour night class. Exactly one more month of grad school to go and we could not be happier to see it come to an end. We are on hour 17 of our day and it's starting to show in the form of dark circles under our eyes. Pretty sure the DCC don't sport racoon eyes so does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of dark circles?

Surprisingly, we have had another Ah-Ha moment today. We have decided we have become all work and no play. We have long hours and a grueling schedule, but we MUST find time for some fun in our lives. Project FUN FEST is heading our way (this doesn't involve being a sloth on the couch - our current mode of relaxation). Until then, stay fit, fabulous, and DCC for life!!!

P.S. We mistakenly wished you a happy hump day yesterday (another sign of exhaustion), but it's actually today so let's try again. Happy Hump Day!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reality TV Star? Not So Much

Just want to set the record straight, this dream of ours has nothing to do with the reality series associated with "DCC: Making the Team". While we love to watch the show, we really have no desire to be on it. The idea of our novice skills being "highlighted" on national tv is quite frightening. Reality stardom is not in our future, but we're hoping the DCC will be!

Happy Hump Day!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Outfits Have Arrived!!!

We finally received our packages with our tryout outfits this weekend. At first we weren't sure what it could be as it was about 1/2 the size of a shoe box, but then we realized it contained all of the material we will be wearing. In a word - YOWZA!!! Tiny does not begin to describe just how small our outfits really are. Somehow, our bikinis look more like cover-ups compared to what we will be wearing come May 15th. Now that we're over the initial shock, it's time to get into DCC shape. And just to clarify, DCC shape does not equal normal people shape. We will post pictures of our outfits soon. Stay tuned...

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Greater Understanding

When not deperately trying to become dancers, our lives normally revolve around fitness. In fact, we wake up well before the crack of dawn to lead a boot camp MWF from 5:30-6:30am. Training boot campers has always been a rewarding job, but recently it has had an even deeper impact on us. Now that we're in this DCC process, we've experienced first hand what it feels like to have your body fight you in terms of physical ability, motivation, and exhaustion. Starting a fitness program for most people is not easy. They have to make the commitment, find the time, and worst of all stick with it. We have always had some form of fitness in our life so it was hard for us to relate to others' fitness struggles until now. We are in a constant struggle with our goal of DCC. Making time to workout, stretch, dance, and kick on top of school and work is almost impossible (or so it seems). We appreciate the new perspective this dream has given us. It makes us better trainers, instructors, and people. This has been the first real challenge in our lives (all 24/26 years) and we have really grown from this experience. We HIGHLY suggest putting yourself in a position of challenge and/or uncomfortable circumstances. They will ROCK your world in a good way!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Late in Life Dancers

We've been practicing with our new dance instructor Taryn and this is what she taught us. Even though we don't look like the DCC yet, it was so fun!!! Please excuse the dark, mood lighting. We like to keep it dark so we don't actually see ourselves in the mirror :-) We were missing our poms, but you get the idea.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're Getting Better Every Day!

After 2 hours of teaching group exercise classes (including DCC - Dance Cardio Crazy) we were good and warm so we thought we'd try our splits.

Breaking News!!!

In our morning DCC stalking ritual, we have discovered who is leaving the team and how many spots will be available for the 2010-2011 season. The magic number is.......................


That's right 7 spots only! While this does happen to be our lucky number, we are very aware that with close to 1,000 candidates our chances are slim. Somehow we will have to dazzle them with our shining personalities and hope for a little luck.

Here some pics of our favorite DCC who wore the boots we hope to fill:

Nicole Hamilton - The BEST DCC that ever lived

Malia Morales - The TOTAL Package (Smart, Driven, Oh and Beautiful)

Abigail Klein - Cutie Patootie/Barbie

Monday, April 5, 2010

Without Further Ado, Here Are Our "Splits"

The pictures below are from mid November (about a month into our stretching regimen). They are quite embarrassing, but we felt it was only fair to give everyone an accurate visual. Feel free to laugh with us! Also, please take note of our flesh colored tights. Do we look the part or what? :-)



The best part of these pictures which cannot be seen, is that our arms were literally shaking from supporting our own weight. We also struggled to remove ourselves from this position and had to fall over to one side just to recover. Pathetic, we know. Unfortunately, not much progress has been made since these were taken. We will be posting more pictures later to show you how much (or should we say little) we've progressed so stay tuned...