Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hump Day

As we write this, we are on break in the middle of our 3 hour night class. Exactly one more month of grad school to go and we could not be happier to see it come to an end. We are on hour 17 of our day and it's starting to show in the form of dark circles under our eyes. Pretty sure the DCC don't sport racoon eyes so does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of dark circles?

Surprisingly, we have had another Ah-Ha moment today. We have decided we have become all work and no play. We have long hours and a grueling schedule, but we MUST find time for some fun in our lives. Project FUN FEST is heading our way (this doesn't involve being a sloth on the couch - our current mode of relaxation). Until then, stay fit, fabulous, and DCC for life!!!

P.S. We mistakenly wished you a happy hump day yesterday (another sign of exhaustion), but it's actually today so let's try again. Happy Hump Day!!!